What You Need To Do To Beat Acid Reflux

man with acid reflux holding chest

Ever get it when you settle yourself into bed, tired after a long day, then that all too familiar sensation of burning rising from your tummy appears…your heartburn is back again. It’s going to be another restless night. If you’re one of the millions of Brits who suffer from acid reflux read on to explore some simple steps to ease acid reflux and finally get a good night’s sleep.

Why does acid reflux seem worse at night?

Acid reflux (or heartburn) not only affects your ability to sleep at night but has lasting effects on you the next day too. There are a few reasons why heartburn worsens at night, this includes:

You swallow less: The normal contractions that keep your stomach acid at bay reduce at night meaning you are more likely to experience heartburn.
Your working against gravity: As you are lying horizontally it’s easier for acid to leak out the top of your stomach and irritate the lining of your oesophagus.
Saliva production reduces: Saliva has a very clever purpose- it neutralizes stomach acid. When you’re asleep your body produces less saliva hence why you are likely to experience acid reflux at night.

What You Need To Do To Beat Acid Reflux

Luckily by making a few changes you will be able to overcome acid reflux and the side effects sleeplessness creates.

Could an adjustable bed help?

-Incline your bed
Lying flat on your back means that your oesophagus and stomach are in line, so you are more likely to experience heartburn.

If you believe you may be experiencing acid reflux – why not consider an adjustable bed to help you?

With the mere press of a button, you can incline the top of your bed. This ensures gravity can work most effectively and stops stomach acid from leaking up into your oesophagus. The result- a great night’s sleep!

Sleep on your left side
Various studies have shown this position best to reduce acid reflux. Avoid lying on your back or right hand side.

Other factors to consider

Avoid food 3 hours before sleep: Especially chocolate, milk, garlic and anything spicy or fried. By giving your food time to digest, it will be less likely to affect you during the night.
Keep an eye on your weight: If you are overweight you are putting more pressure on your digestive system causing acid to be released into your throat
Wear comfy, loose pyjamas: Especially around your tummy. This prevents acid been pushed up into your oesophagus.

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